At the conclusiqn of evidence, the parties filed and exchanged written addresses in compliance with the orders of the Court m9de on the 14th day ·of November, 2016. As such, on the 1?1h day\of January, 2017 the learned counsel for the defendant adopted the final written address dated the 3rd day of January,2017 but was filed on the 16th day of January, 2017 as their final argument in this matter and urged the Court to dismiss the charge. For the prosecution, her learned counsel placed reliance on the arguments canvassed in the final written address which was filed on the 1ih day of January, 2017. He urged the Court to enter a verdict of guilty : aiainst the defendant. The charge was then adjourned to the 16t day of March, 2017 for judgment. In the final written address of the defendant, his learned counsel formulated a sole issue for the determination of this Court to wit:"Whether 'from the totality of evidence adduced, the prosecution has proved the cases of conspiraGy to commit armed robbery and armed robbery against the defendant beyond reasonable doubt?" For the prosecution, her learned counsel in his final written address equally framed a lone issue for the determination of this Court. The issue for determination is as follows:"Whether tne prosecution has proved the charge against the defendant beyond reasonable doubt? I have looked at the sole issue for determination variously distilled by the learned counsel for the parties in this charge . On sober reflection on the sets of issue for determination as formulated on behalf of the parties shows clearly that the sole issue for determination settled by the learned counsel for the defendant is similar and related to the lone issue for determination prepared by the learned counsel for the prosecution in their final written addresses. Any of the sets of issue for determination formulated by the parties is apt, relevant and germane to determine this charge. I shall adopt the sets of issue for determination in the consideration of this charge but for easy understanding , I shall address the sole issue for determination as follows:- 2

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