\ IN THE HIGH COURT OF ANAMBRA STATE OF NIGERIA IN THE HIGH COUR T OF AWl<,6 JUDICIAL DIVISION HOLDEN /J,T AW l(A BEFORE HIS LORDSHIP HONOURABLE JUSTICE D.A.ONYEFULU ON MONDAY THE 22N D DAY OF OCTOBER 2018 CHARGE NO : A/29c/2012 THE STATE V SILAS OIVlEkl El(ENE ODOH JUDGMENT/RULING ON A NO CASE SUBMISSION The defendants are charged with the follow ing offences as shown on the information filed before this court on 26/6/2012 thus : COUNT 1- STATEMENT OF OFFENCE ARMED ROBBERY Pun ishable Under S. 1 (2 ) (a) o f th e Ro bb e ry and Firearms (Special Provisions) Act Cap R. II Law s of th e Fed er·at ion o f N it!,e r ia 2004 . PARTI CULARS OF or= r:EN CE That you Silas Omeri , Ekene Odoh and another now at large on the 27 lh day of July 2010 at Agbani v illage , lfite Awka in Awka judicial d ivis ion while ,irmed with dangerous weapon did rob one Zeletus Nwanga and h is fam i ly and wounded th e n1 seriou sly by h itt ing h im and h is son w ith a very hard object which cau se d them ser iou s inJury COUNT 2 - STATEMENT OF OFFENCE ARMED ROBBERY Punishable Under S. 1 (2) (a) of the Robbery and Firearms (Special Provisions) Act Cap R. II Law s of th e Fe d e rat ion o f N ige r ia 200.!I . ~~liTlt.;_ll_L~ RS OF O H-~ ~q . That you Sila s Omer i ' m ' and other s now at larg e on the 6/8/2 010 around m id nignt at Standard Hostel Amansea in Awka Jud icial Division while armed with gun and other Tl11S 1s th e iudg11 1c11t l lt-l 1vv1T cl by 11 0 11 Ju-; i w( · u /\ () ,1yt' l u l1 : u ,1 n; 1o;:rn1 B Page 1

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