.1 "arde, ·c: 1 w,.tl11·11 the compound and started beating her. 1-1,1 ·s, w11c to. tl'e , ..._ bea1111~ tht.: deceased . · ., · u.1, J·O l!l in /\t a point, the Defendant's w ife went to keep the fire wood that was replaced in the wheel ba1Tow on the instruction of her husband . Thereafte ,· she returned to join her husband . The D e fendant beat the deceased with stick 0 , 1 her hcaJ \\·liich causc<l swelling on her head . He 1ml his wife pourc<l sanJ 011 li ~r. I While the beating was going on, the deceased attempted to run awa ,; but wl11k crosl'!ing a hedge , the Defendant kicked her and she foll dow 11 , c.i us .11g a swell on her waist. He further hit h:~r with a stick on her hedd caus in g z1 ;we ll a11J internal blccdi11g. PWl assisted the deceased i11to the house . She called the ir ui: cl< Mr. Unig,-\c l>u l he ca111c the next <lay , in the lltu!11ing . It wa Ilia! sa me morning that she reported th f· incident to the police dt Ozub ulu r-o lice St :.1tio11 . She went in the comp~ny of her brother Chi~rnikc . She 1n: Jc a statement at the Po lice Station . Fe l1.>- 1\.1.ubuike 1 .J,. After a report at th e station she took her mother to on e Od in ,-rn ma Hospital at Nnewi . She was admitted for two days and thereafter di sch a rged but continued goi ng for check up . She was readmitted when it was di sco verc I that she was not getting an y better. Subsequently, she was taken to a Min is t y for Pravcrs . Frn lll lltcre she was moved to Nnamdi Azikiwe Unive rsi ty Tea J 1i11!!. Hospital , Nnew i. In the course of tests and examinations, the doct ors inqu ired if she k.1J J11 JcciJcnt 0 11 the 1. cad. She died 011 the evening of Ilic J ay sli : "as brou ght to the Teaching Hospital being 8°1 day of January 20 12 . PW I also J ' .._., m;;ide stcl teme nt at State CID Awka . It is the case of the PWI that prior to the " firewood " incident, tlie1 .: had bee n a l111gen11g dispute for which ihe Oefenda11t had sueJ tlic deceased , l)W I amJ others claiming the deccased ' s house which she built . The case is 1t the 11 tr;.!.h Co urt \Jut \\ he11 the de ceased pul up appearance through li c1 cuu11s1 l, the Defendant abandoned the court case . · Under cross-exa mination by the defence counsel, the PW I ad1111tl c .I that ~ not wit ness the incident . Si1e however said that her moth er mcn 1iu ncd ~ ~ -~ 1i1.c w tlc or one Ha~ sa man Duniya as one of the neighbours th a_t \V itnesse( from ___. n --· , 1 , ;-r,. ·1·1ic said Dt 11lJ\1 a li ves 111 the s; tme com1Jo und with the Delc ndant. 9 ~ rn J - , sh\ did 1 • t • -· ' ~ ~ ..-~ 2:. ~t ;--rl ~::·-r\}'i) !~ -~· =:.' PW I admit ted that s he has~ ot_her brothers asi?e the lklc11 da11t_ wl o live J l lO the JLT Ca::,cJ . She 111s1sh.:J tliat slic J1J llOl cal l all o f {Ii , Ill Oil t b~<' \C w ly::n the 1nc1dcnt happened but call ed only the one arou nd as til e Jthcrs l lii.:1 '.i~~ ·;_..' .1:: 'i \ -~ ·.; · , l ri1 I -- - - •• • , .- - ~ IHJGH. COUR, j NNFINt . ..._,.,.. /'l ri l 19 ,

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