IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE OF SOKOTO STATE IN THE SOKOTO JUDICIAL DIVISION HOLDEN AT SOKOTO ON THE 8TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2024 BEFORE HIS LORDSHIP: HON. JUSTICE MOHAMMED MOHAMMED (JUDGE) SUIT NO. SS/11C/2024 BETWEEN: FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA----------------COMPLAINANT AND SAGIR SANI--------------------------------------------------- DEFENDANT Appearances: Y.K. Saidu Esq. for the prosecution. The defendant is in court and speaks English language. S.D. Baraya Esq. with A.F. Hassan Esq. for the defendant. Y.K. Saidu Esq: The matter is for mention. We have 17 counts charges filed on 31/1/2024 bordering the offence of Criminal Breach of Trust contrary to Section 300 of the Sokoto State Penal Code Law 2019 and punishable under Section 301 of the same law. We apply that the plea of the defendant be taken. S.D. Baraya Esq: We are ready. Court to the Registrar: Please read and explain the 17 counts charges to the defendant in English language for the purpose of taken his plea. COUNT 1 Court: Did you hear the charge that was read over and explained to you? Defendant: Yes I heard. Court: Did you understand the particulars of the charge? Page 1 of 10

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