I \ I I I IN \ 'TI-IE FEDEI{A]- I IIGII COIJRT OF NIGERIA IN TTTE ASAL]A.IUDICIAI, DIVISTON TIOLDEN AT ASAT]A S{JIT NO: FHC/ASts/63(. ; li:"'tiTl BE,TWE[,i\ FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA AND oKoRo MARVELOUS ATrTr (M) C@MPLAINANT DE,N'ENDANT ENROLT-ED ORDE,R tlPoi\ bLrt T'HIS CF{ARGE dated 27't' Actaber, 202r filed on 2B1h October, 2021. Charge 'l'hat yor-r OKOR.O MARVEI-OUS A:flTf (M) sornetimes tretween 2020 and l?Lt' Septemtrer, 2021 at Benin City, Edo State within tlre jurisdiction of this Honourable Courl with intent to defraud, sent electronic message wtrrich materially misrepresent yollr identity to SATCHE,L PAIGE, an American upon which he relied and suff-ered financial loss ii-r the sun'l of $35,000.00 (Thirty Five Thousand lJnited States Dollar) and thereby committed an oflence contrary to and punishable under Section 14(2) of the Cybercrime (Prohibition Prevention etc) Act 2015. o The Defendant having pleaded GUILTY to the Charge. F. A. OLUBANJO PRESJDING JI-JDGE AI\D AFTER HEARil\G Fruncis .A. Jirbo Esrg rvith K.Y. Bello Esq for the prosecution applying that the Plea Bargain Agreernent dated bLrt I Bth Octob e:r 2021 filed 28tr' October 2021 be made Judgment of the Court. t of srotl $hi\'t 085 o rt

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