II\ THE FEDERAL HIGH COURT OF I\IGERII\ 1,f iN THE WARRI JUDICIAL DIVISION 3 HCILDENI AT WARRT ON WEEfiIESDAY THE 15TH DAY OF JULY,2A2O BEFORE HIS LORDSHIP, HON. JUSTICE EMEKA NWITE ,'r JUDGE CHARGE NO. FHC/wRl $c lzO2O BETWEEN: FE DERAL REPU BLI C OF N tG ERlft =================f,Ql!l pLAl NANT/RESPON DEI{T AND DEFENDANT/APPLICANT KrND THANKGOD (AKA) FRANK LAWSON ORDER |.,PON THIS charge dated 6th day of FebrauarY,2A2O and filed 14th day of February, 2020 at this court's Registry coming before the court for hearing and upon the defendant pleading guilty to the one count charge dated the 6th day of February, 2AZA. ,#t' t t, 6qs AND AFTER hearing 1 M Elodi (Miss) Esq. for the prosecution and Pascal Ugbome with A.S. Adeshila Esq. for the Defendant not opposing. IT 15 HEREBY (1) ORD RED AS FOLLOWS: That the defendant is lrereby sentenced to (3) three years term of imprisonment or fine of N2,000,000.00 (Two million naira), The sentenced shall commence from the day of conviction. That is today being the L5th day of July, 2020, (2) That the infinite phone recovered from the defendent being a proceed of crime shall be forfeited to the Federal Government of Nigeria. (3) That the defendant shall undertake NWITE HON. JUSTICE PRESIDING JUDGE jilHTIFtf;$ -t ffiLir H[J$]r ,,;#-f."'tn8 qHf]!:.ffi ISSUED AT WARRI under /=. r-> [ $i*frt .r AL l-llsii Gotitrr \Ararln. *t"u the Seal of the Court and the Hand of the Presiding Judge this L5th day of July, 2020. @tr 'ri i"' La l:}l[5!'t1 -.- i1 . . -*,* .IT! ? ,.rJ-\ I' LL-, . -*f in writing to be of good behaviour and law abiding' MRS. ANIGBORO LUCKY, (Court Registrar).

Select target paragraph3