IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE OF SOKOTO STATE IN THE SOKOTO JUDICIAL DIVISION HOLDEN AT SOKOTO ON THE 28TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2023 BEFORE HIS LORDSHIP HON. JUSTICE MALAMI UMAR DOGON DAJI (JUDGE) SUIT NO: SS/56C/2021 BETWEEN: THE STATE..............................................…….......…..COMPLAINANT AND MUHAMMADU DAN MERI…………...................................DEFENDANT APPEARANCE: UMAR ALIYU (PSC): FOR THE PROSECUTION. S. OVIE I APPEAR WITH E. OKAM: FOR THE DEFENDANT. JUDGMENT The defendant in this case was arraigned before this Court on the 9th day of Nov. 2021 for the offence of Culpable Homicide punishable with death contrary to Section 191 of the Penal Code. The charge against the defendant reads as follows:- 1

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