FEDERAL HIGI] T F IN TI{E ASABA ICIAL DIVISION HOLDEN AT ASABA SUI'[ NO: FI'{C/ASF"/6|IC t 12021 BETWEEN FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA AND OHUMUMWEN OSAARTEMEN (M) COMPLAINANT DEF'ENDANT EI\ROLLED ORDER UPON TH{S CHARGE dated 27th Oe tober', -}021 but filed on ?Btr' October, 2021. Charge That you OHUMUMWEI{ OSAA}R{{IMtd;N (Ng) sometirnes between January and 1'rti; September 2021 at Benin City, Edo State within the jurisdiction of this Flonourable CoLult wilh intent to defiaud, sent electronic message which materially misrepresent your identity to the dutl of NICXfiI BAtsEE and TAII\A BANDZ, American ladies upon which they relied anci suf red f inancial loss in the si-il11 ofI+10,000,000.00 (Ten Million Naira) and thereby committed an offence contrary to ancl pLrnishable undel Section l4(2) o1 the Cybercrime (Prohibition Prevention etc.) Act 2015. o The Defendant havir-rg pleaded GUILT-tr to the Charge. {'. A. OLUBANJO PRESIDING JUDGE AND AFTH,R }{EAR.ING Francis "A" .firbo Esq with K.Y. Bello Esttr for the prosecution applying that the Plea Bargain A6,,reernent dated 27tl'Oc,tober 2021 1. CERTIFIE D TPUE C OPY {nrFrcE 0F ?t{[ pt{ii srt^r) ri0flrlt, DEIITSTAN fl A{€ OESIGTAIIOT otrE:JJJ.-/*.as t0f,: Hfu/l

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