IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE OF SOKOTO STATE IN THE SOKOTO JUDICIAL DIVISION HOLDEN AT SOKOTO ON THE 22ND DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2021 BEFORE HIS LORDSHIP: HON. JUSTICE MOHAMMED MOHAMMED (JUDGE) SUIT NO: SS/FHR/27/2020 BETWEEN: HALIRU ABDULLAHI-----------------------------------------APPLICANT AND 1. THE E.F.C.C 2. ZONAL HEAD EFCC SOKOTO 3. INVESTIGATING OFFICER MR. COKER OYEGUNLE AFF SECTION EFCC ZONAL OFFICE, SOKOTO. RESPONDENTS Appearances: A.M. Dambuwa Esq: For the Applicant. The case is for Judgment but Respondents’ Counsel not in court. Respondent’s Counsel absent. JUDGMENT Court: The Applicant by an originating Motion on Notice dated 5th December, 2020 and filed on the 8/12/2020 with Suit No. SS/FHR/27/2020, commenced this action for the enforcement of his fundamental rights wherein he prayed this court for the following orders:1. A declaration of this Honourable Court that the arrest and the detention of the Applicant from 27th November, 2020 Page 1 of 12

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