L ,,1 IN L FEDERAL HIGFI COI]RT OF NIGERIA IN THE, ASABA JUDICIAL DIVISION ]{OLDE,N AT ASABA TI_IE re{tiii,l/202-l BETWEEN COMPLAINANT FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA AND CHRTSTOPHER MOMODU AMtrN (M) DEFENDANT BNROLLED ORDBR UPON TH{S CHARGE dated 2Jtt' Octaber'. .r021 but filed on 28tr' October', 2021" Charge That you CIIRISTOPIIER AM[,N (M) sornetimes betweeu M&MO}-$U Augr,rsi 20110 and 12tr' Septernber,202l in Edo State witirin tlrr: jurisdiction of this Honourable Conrt cliri fraurdr*rlently impersonate the identity of PETEIi CHAUNG with the intent to gain advantage 1-or yotrrself and thereby comrnitted an of-l'ence contrary to Section 22(2)(b)(i) of the Cybercrirre (Prohibition Prever-rtion etc) Act 2.0 X 5 and punishable under Section 22(2)(bXiv) o1' the sarne Act. The Defendant having pleaded GUILTY to the o F. A. OLUBAI\JO PRE,SIDING JUDGE Charge. AI\D AFTER I{EARII\G Francis .A. .firho liscl with K.Y. Bello Esq for the prosecution applying ttrat the Plea Bargain Agreement dated l4thOclober 2AZl but llled 28thOctobt,r 2021 be made.ludgrnent of the Court. L CE FTIFIE (o r FICE (F rtCERAL Hlcttctu ilATiE DATElJ DETIASTTTf .Hgfl,

Select target paragraph3