IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE OF SOKOTO STATE IN THE SOKOTO JUDICIAL DIVISION HOLDEN AT SOKOTO ON THE 16TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2021 BEFORE HIS LORDSHIP: HON. JUSTICE MOHAMMED MOHAMMED (JUDGE) SUIT NO: SS/09c/2021 BETWEEN: THE STATE------------------------------------------------COMPLAINANT AND 1. UMARU DIKKO 2. DIKKO IBRAHIM 3. SABO USMAN -----------------RESPONDENTS Appearances: Abbas Samaila Esq. for the State. M.I. Hanafi Esq. with V.E. Ikwuta Esq. for all the Defendants. Abbas Samaila Esq: The Defendants are in Court and speak Hausa Language. Court to Registrar: Affirm yourself to interpret from English Language to Hausa Language and vice versa. Abbas Samaila Esq: The Defendants are arraigned before this Court for the offences of Criminal Conspiracy, Causing Hurt and Culpable Homicide punishable with death contrary to Sections 60(2), 222 and 191 of the Sokoto State Penal code law 2019. The case is for mention and subject to the convenience of the Court, we humbly apply for their plea to be taken. M.I. Hanafi Esq: We are ready and we have no objection to the plea of the Defendants being taken. Abbas Samaila Esq: We humbly apply that the charges be read over to the Defendants with a view to take their plea. Page 1 of 24

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