IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE OF SOKOTO STATE IN THE SOKOTO JUDICIAL DIVISION HOLDEN AT SOKOTO ON THE 2ND DAY OF AUGUST, 2022 BEFORE HIS LORDSHIP: HON. JUSTICE MOHAMMED MOHAMMED (JUDGE) SUIT NO. SS/65C/2022 BETWEEN: COMMISSIONER OF POLICE-------------------COMPLAINANT AND DR HAMZA ABUBAKAR-----------------------------DEFENDANT Appearances: Shehu Musa Esq with R.U. Usman Esq for Prosecution. A. Zubairu Esq with Z.A. Dingyadi Esq. for the Defendant. Shehu Musa Esq: The defendant is before the court and speaks English Language. The case is for arraignment and before the court, are 3 counts charges filed on 14/6/2022 for the offences treatment of victim of gunshots without reporting to the police punishable under section 5 of the compulsory treatment and Care of Victims of gunshots Act, 2017, and framing incorrect documents with intent to cause injury punishable under section 89 of the Sokoto State Penal Code Law 2019 and framing incorrect document with intent to influence the course of justice punishable under section 151 of the Sokoto State Penal Code Law 2019. The defendant has been served with the charges. We apply that the plea of the defendant be taken. Page 1 of 9

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