IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE OF SOKOTO STATE IN THE SOKOTO JUDICIAL DIVISION HOLDEN AT SOKOTO SUIT NO: SS/147C/2024 MOTION NO: SS/147C/2024 BETWEEN FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA …………………. COMPLAINANT VS 1. SALMANU BELLO DEFENDANTS 2. SAMINU BELLO LAWYERS: Aliyu Bokani Usman with YK Sandu and J. Habib for the prosecution Shamsu A Dauda For the Defendant Aliyu: We have one count charge against the defendant. We speak the court permission to read the charge for the hearing of the defendant. DEFENCE COUNCIL SHAMSU A DAUDA: We are ready COURT: Registrar please read the charges for the plea of the defendant REGISTRAR: Charges Read 1 DEFEDNANT: I hear what was read to me and I understand I am guilty to the charge 2 DEFEDNANT: I hear what was read to me and I understand I am guilty to the charge

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