IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE OF SOKOTO STATE IN THE SOKOTO JUDICIAL DIVISION HOLDEN AT SOKOTO ON THE 4TH DAY OF APRIL, 2022 BEFORE HIS LORDSHIP: HON. JUSTICE MOHAMMED MOHAMMED (JUDGE) SUIT NO: SS/FHR/M.24/2021 BETWEEN: WADATA DAN’ UMAR--------------------------------------APPLICANT AND 1. THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF SOKOTO STATE 2. THE COMMISSIONER OF POLICE, SOKOTO STATE COMMAND 3. THE CONTROLLER, NIGERIAN CORRECTIONAL SERVICES, SOKOTO 4. THE DEPUTY CONTROLLER, NIGERIAN CORRECTIONAL SERVICES, SOKOTO RESPONDENTS Appearances: Charles Musa Esq. with M.B. Ngada Esq. for the Applicant. A.M. Dambuwa Esq. for the Respondent. The case is for Judgment and we are ready. JUDGMENT Court: The Applicant by this originating motion filed on the 30/8/2021 and heard on the 21/2/2022, commenced this application through his counsel Mr. Charles Musa Esq. for the enforcement of his fundamental rights wherein he prays this court for the following orders:A. A declaration that the Respondents are not entitled to detain or in any other manner restrict the liberty of the Applicant in flagrant violation of the Applicant’s Page 1 of 9

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