I IN THE COURT OF Al-JAMBRA STATE OF Nf GERiA IN THE HIGH COURT OF NN EWI JUDICIAL DI VISlON • HOLD :NAT NNEWI: BEFOR E HIS LORDSHIP, THE H)N filSTICE 0 . M. ANY AC HEBl: L J ON MON Tl IE 2 Isr DAY OF JAN 20 ·i 9 · /. SUIT NO HN/ 30C_1201 2: RF.TWEEN : THE STATE COMPLAIN.AN f AND CHlGBO NZELU DE FE N D \ N T 8 JUDGMENT Thl initial informatio11 and proof of evidence in respect of thi s ca: e was fil cJ 011 25 11 ' September 201 2. It we: s then a one count charge in c.i ica ti11 ~ u Tc11 cc of manslau ghter. The pa1tic ll lars of offence was stated . On the 22 i> J Ar riI 20 13, th e Ocfcncb nt p1c;i ckci not guilty to he ch~rgc ~s rc~ci . Actual hearing commenced o 1 13111 June 2013 with the ev idence of PW I . Altogether the Prosecution fi elded 5 witnesses . th With the close of the case fm the Prosecution on 11 February 20 I \ the defence opted for a no case submi! sion. Written addresses in respect ti creof th were filed and duly adopted. _In a considered ruling delivered on 24 c ay of Nove mber 2016 , the no case submis ;ion was ovenuled. th Subsequently, the defe;ice op( ned on 25 January 2017 wi th the evi lcnce of Defenda nt as OW 1. The court 11. otes that in between, there \Vere mo' cs to resolve amicably but it failed . Altogether, the Defendant fielded 3 w itness, :s. It is on record that at the collclusion of cross-examination of DWI on l 5 January 201 8, the Prosecution r ioved motion No I 1N/l 289M/2 01 7 sc ?!~ing leave to amend. That motion was g ·anted without objection, bringing on >Oard the current charge before th e court lt is the charge filed on ~0 th Novc rnher 2017 . It reads as follows ; th Statement of offence - Count l - vfurder, contrary to Section 274 (I) c f the Crnrn \ ~ fflf ~ I L•71 1 ' IJ - ~cirry•d Laws of Anambr;:, Stale of Nigeria 1991 . ~~- 11~.,,, . · rI ·•v r· ~ -~/lu(' • I I \( ·~~itr~~ I 'rlJGH COUR f , "~'!~~~tz._ J

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