! ' r ' 2 Particulars of offence ~ 0_ <la~ 11 ?~ Decem_ber 20 I I , al u llllleLiuµ 1 Vii l,i:·t.:. 1,,_1r;iifitc 111 Nnew1 Jud1c1al D 1v1s1on , while armed witli sti'cks ~ ' ' . . r , cl ll(J O 11 !Cf' .rn~crnus \\ t: ::ipon s, did. unla\\ 1 ully a~,sault one Ngoz1 Nzclu witl 1 ..>~, •l ,·cl \S., ,11.:i ·. , . l th ·· lows. and leg kicks which eventually led to her death on the s day of Janu: ry· ~n 12 (, lugbv N _Ldu . 011 . the -·rc:sh pica was taken on the new charge on 15/ I/18 . The Defendant ag 1111 1kadcd 110l guilt y. It is significant to stress that the Prosecution did not therea fte r n~o JC ll ..: ,i:-.c tu call t'ut tiler cv1Jc11cc . A ccor<lingly , the <lcfc11ce co11tmucd \Nit li cv1dc 1-.:e )! DW2 and DW3 , On 2ih February 7018 , the Defence was volunt ari ly clos :d . Subseq uent ly , both le arned cot.nsel obliged and filed written aci re, '~cs \\ h1ch '' ere ciu ly zi cioptcd on :nrJ Oct )bcr 20 l R The Dcfcnchnt ' s rid cl rt.:c; s \ :is th fi led 011 l -l .I une 2018 , while that of :)rosccutitn was filed J0 11i .I uly 20 1 8. !' lie defe nce also field reply brief 0 ·1 19/ IO ,18. These ad dresses arc 11ct ed as adopted and incorporated ;:i s µa1i ol tlic rn: u rJ ~. The e\'1den cc by the wi ti1esscs are hercinbelow summarized . PW 1 was one Ch111wc.: Nzclu. She ,is the daughter of the deceased N ~~oz i ~Lclu , Shi..: 11a1-ratcJ l1 u\\ u11 the 10111 Jay of Decclllbcr 2011 011 lier \\ ;1y ,; 1c k from her sh op at about 8 ,00 pm, she heard the voice of s9mcone groa 11i 1 g in pnms On flnshi ng her torchlight . 10 tlrnt direction , she rc-1lizcci it w ,1, her mot her lyi ng bes ide a bush on the road leading into their compound , Upon inquiry on what happe,ned, the deceased slated tha l it w ;i the Defendant Chigbo Nzelu an d his w ife Chinelo that beat her up . Prior tl this 111c1Jc:11t th e De:: lenda11t ha J witho ttl the deceased ·s co11sc11t cul dowt tile th Avacad~ pear bel onging to the dece.1sed. On that fateful I 0 December :~oI 2, the Di..:fc11d;J 111 · s \\ ifc look the bra11ches of llic said J\ ,,acadu µc;_1r l1 c~ ;1J1Ll packed inside a wheel barrow in orc'er to use same as firewood . The dee ~:1scd intercepted :rnd instead took the whe-~I barrow into the house . The Defendant's wife infon ,1ed the Defendant on phone about what liappc:ned . 011 ii1s rdurn , he and his wife procecJed tu where the dec ..:ased packcJ the Avacado branches and put it back inside the \\'heel harrow . The o~rc 11JL111t 110\\ \\ ~Ill lo \\hell: the <lc:ccasc<l w· ~ wllliIJ g yq; ct ab k s, dr:i_t;;l;,~d ltcr .HJGH C~Uh. . ;~.~YT ~ l -- . CERTIFIE~l:@'LJE COPr_\ J' 2i.Jz, - c ~(9NKwo· A . C. ~ 'Gk. TRAR ~1 H.o. ~ O ATF l , 1 .-2:::: 2

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